Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Re-Run: Torchbearer RPG Spot Illustrations

For the start of 2016 I need to put my Blog on hiatus. This is due to a combination of reasons: not having material I can currently share to post about, being behind on important projects & unable to dedicate the time to develop new posts, and some personal/life things going on with the health of my Mother.

I will return to regular posting with process, tutorials, insights, advice, behind the scenes, stuff from the vault, and more before summer or hopefully sooner.
In the meantime, over the course of the hiatus, I've decided that each week in place of a new post, I'd link back to one of my favorite posts over the past 9 years of me updating this blog. Think of it as a greatest hits re-run on something you may have missed in that time. (And you can visit past posts anytime using the Blog Index: http://davidpetersen.blogspot.com/2013/12/blog-index.html)

This week:

Game Designer Luke Crane, who designed the Mouse Guard RPG and co-designed Swords & Strongholds with me, has a classic fantasy RPG called Torchbearer (his loveletter to original D&D). I created a series of spot illustrations of monsters that he released free to players with all the statistics and information for including them in adventures in a free PDF. There were 10 of these monsters in total (with the open invitation for me to return and do more when time/schedule allows). Below are the two posts with the monsters and some background info on my ideas as I drew them.

Full Post of Torchbearer RPG Beasts Part I:

Full Post of Torchbearer RPG Beasts Part II:


Full Process Post for Torchbearer Rulebook 'Winter' Chapter Illustration

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