Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Re-Run Usagi Yojimbo pinup for the Sakai Project.

With nine years of blogposts, I will continue to Re-Run past posts for the new fans or folks who may have missed a post the first time around.

Part of the reasoning is also that for various reasons (The health of my Mother, convention travel, behind on deadlines, and projects I'm not able to share yet) I see the need to revisit an old post once a month or so.
You can also go back and see any past posts using the Blog index: http://davidpetersen.blogspot.com/2013/12/blog-index.html)

This week:

In 2014 Usagi Yojimbo creator Stan Sakai was in need of assistance due to his wife Sharon's health at the time. I did this two pinups to help celebrate the Usagi and Stan and raise some money with the original art for Sharon's care. Below is the link where I break down the full process from concept to colors for the pinup.

Full Usagi Yojimbo Process Post:

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