Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Toned Paper Con Drawings

Instead of taking pre-order commissions as I've done at conventions past, a few weeks ago at the Motor City Comic Con, I tried doing head/bust drawings on toned paper at the convention. My schedule at home has been such that it left me no room to do pre-order commissions for conventions much this year. And I cant get more than 1-2 of my detailed ink pieces completed while at a convention either at my table or back in the hotel after dinner.

So, using toned paper, I'm able to do a piece that I'm happy with, has a full range of tonal value (without hours of cross-hatching & stippling) using a felt tip marker, a pencil, and a white gel pen.

Heroes Con is up next for me, and I'll be trying to do these types of head/bust single figure pieces live at the convention first come, first served..new list every day. I'd like to stick to mice (because I'm comfortable doing them and we will both be happy with the result) but I'd be open to discussing something else if it's in my wheelhouse.

Below are examples of the types of pieces:


A Bell-Mouse


Double Sword-Mouse

Mr. Toad
(This was a gift to Terry Jones of Monty Python)

Staff wielding Guardmouse


Leaf adorned Guardmouse


Ringmail Guardmouse

2016 Appearances:

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