Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Wind in the Willows Models: Toad Hall

My illustrated edition of Kenneth Grahame's classic Wind in the Willows published by IDW will be released to the direct market (comic shops) tomorrow and Book stores on Feb. 14th! The book has Grahame's original text, with over 70 illustrations by me.

For this week's blogpost I'm going to share a few of the physical models I built to help me visualize & illustrate the book. Below are photos of the models of the Toad Hall Foyer and Toad Hall's Dining Room. I've also included a few videos of me talking about the models.

This model is made from chip-board (the stuff the backs of sketchpads are made of) with printed paper details glued on (all the paneling & tile-work) and basswood trim. 

This model is was almost completely made on the computer first. Not the geometry of the room, but each flat surface (paneling, plank floor with rug, arched door, leaded glass window and banners, etc.) were printed designed and then printed out. Those sheets of paper were then rubber cemented on to sheets of chipboard (the thick backing on sketchpads) and glued together using holt melt glue and basswood for re-inforcement (as well as some trim details) where needed.

Wind in the Willows from IDW is available to order at your local comic or book shop -or-
on Amazon.com:

For all my other Wind in the Willows Process Posts:

2017 Appearances: 
C2E2: April 21-23
Heroes Con: Jun. 16-18
Baltimore Comic Con: Sept. 22-24

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