Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Wind in the Willows Models: Badger's Kitchen

My illustrated edition of Kenneth Grahame's classic Wind in the Willows published by IDW has been released! The book has Grahame's original text, with over 70 illustrations by me.

For this week's blogpost I'm going to share a few of the physical models I built to help me visualize & illustrate the book. Below are photos of the models from Badger's Kitchen. I've also included a video of me talking about the models.

The hearth model itself is made from chipboard with paper printed as brick glued on and basswood & popsicle stick details. The matching settles are basswood and the stand-in hanging hams & braided garlic is tissue & string.

This was made out of basswood (typically used for doll-house parts) I referenced a few Edwardian pieces, and then built this to-scale with quarters as dinner plates. The bowls you see are store-bought doll-house pieces.

Wind in the Willows from IDW is available to order at your local comic or book shop -or-
on Amazon.com:

For all my other Wind in the Willows Process Posts:

2017 Appearances: 
C2E2: April 21-23
Heroes Con: Jun. 16-18
Baltimore Comic Con: Sept. 22-24

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