Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Toned Paper Commissions

Here are some recent Toned Paper Commissions from Heroes Con & San Diego Comic Con. I will be taking commissions like these at BALTIMORE COMIC CON later this month for $200. First-come/first served.



Scarred Guardmouse

Guardmouse with Staff

Longshot of the X-Men

Nightcrawler of the X-Men

Mouse Blacksmith

 Gmork from Neverending Story

Happy Capybara

Fox Zorro

A fan's original character "Krooked"

Mouse Archeologist

Gruff Mouse Bartender

Lonepine Mouse


Mouse Composer

Dumbledore-esque Mouse

Gandalf-esque Mouse

Samurai Mouse Armor

Mr. Badger



Lieam as the Black Axe


A young Fan's RPG character "Iohn"

The Cowardly Lion of OZ

The Scarecrow of OZ

A Cockatiel as a Bard

2017 Appearances: 
Baltimore Comic Con: Sept. 22-24

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